Fun spot-the-difference games created from user’s social media content and shared with family, friends, and followers.
Cool new way to share and interact with content.
Heavy engagement driven by incentives and prizes.
Deep interaction with images/content delivers.
Fun experience creates positive association with user content through shared/familiar experiences, desires and aspirations.
Compelling prizes and incentives used to drive engagement.
Brands, contact us to learn how you can partner with us to design customized campaigns.
It is becoming increasingly difficult for consumers to stand out in the crowd.
There’s a ton of new images, videos and other content being shared every day.
It’s difficult to keep content fresh, and engaging to keep active participation from friends and followers.
Cool new way for followers and friends to interact with content Increased opportunities to monetize content in partnership with brands.
What do you get when a social media network meets a spot the difference puzzle game? Spotmy! Just upload a few pictures from your phone and Spotmy will do the rest creating duplicate but altered images to make your own spot the difference game. Share it with your friends and set the rules (and prizes) for your own contests. Limitless reach, engagement and potential.